administrative judgement

英 [ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv ˈdʒʌdʒmənt] 美 [ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtɪv ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]




  1. The Theoretics Analysis And Ethic Reconstruction of Free Administrative Judgement
  2. In the administrative system of judgement, can realize the arrangement and adjustment of the match referee conveniently.
  3. If the party concerned wishes to challenge the decision of the administrative department for industry and commerce, it may bring suit in a people's court within a fixed time and the court will render judgement on the case.
  4. Furthermore, let the administrative judgement to exert its function for realising the nation ran by law.
  5. The judge in practical cases has entitled judicial judgement to the justice, which arouses the confliction between judicial judgement and administrative judgement.
  6. There are several problems in the judicial practice: Administrative and civil judgement cause contradiction and influence the public trust of the administration of justice;
  7. Therefore, author suggests learning from foreign experience, establishing the special administrative review committee, asking for help of the parliament and public to realize fair judgement.
  8. The text makes a discussion on how to use the administrative procedure to control the abuse of administrative free judgement power to speed up the administrative procedure construction of our country and realize to control it with effect.
  9. American'environmental laws were composed of the federal, state and local laws and regulations, administrative laws and regulations and their interpretation and judicial judgement.
  10. Reserch on Social Value of Administrative Judgement SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMME OF FITNESS FOR ALL
  11. Both administrative regulations and "Criminal Law" emphasize on the causality in judgement of liabilities in causing traffic trouble.
  12. The Independence of Administrative Judgement and Independent Administrative Judgement
  13. In our country, it mainly includes the administrative reconsideration of environment, administrative judgement and administrative mediation, etc.
  14. The administrative litigation system in modern China originated from the preparation of administrative judgement court at the end of Qing dynasty.
  15. Judicial independence is such a modern topic at present that the author tries to clarify the defect of independence in China's administrative judgement in perspective of administrative judgement and how to perfect it.
  16. This thesis considers that establishing the system of mediation for administrative litigation in our country is not only for the need of justice efficiency, but also for the consideration of the validity of judgement to the administrative litigation in modern times.
  17. To extend the function of administrative judgement and take active part in social management innovation, it is to make proposals to further improve work-related injury insurance law from four levels combined with the writer trial experience and accumulation of the preceding three parts.
  18. The part two will list the existing legal application difficulty in work-related injury certification administrative case based on the research of our court judgement in Shandong province.